Tumpek Uduh is one of important ceremony of Balinese. This ceremony has meaning worship to the greatness of the God as the keeper of the life for plants and trees. Hindus in Bali commemorated Tumpek Uduh every Saniscara Kliwon (Saturday) wuku Wariga in Balinese calendar or every 210 days.
On the day of Tumpek uduh, Hindus ceremony addressed the offering and worship to the God of Sangkara as the keeper of the plants and trees life’s.
The celebration of Tumpek Uduh is religion festival that made milestone for preserving all kinds of plants and trees. On Tumpek Uduh, Hindus are made some celebratory oblations, in the ritual procession invoke blessing from The God of Sangkara to bestowed and keeping the plants and trees alive and fertile, avoiding them from pests or anything that can damage them. Thus, it will produce abundantly benefit for the human life.
On this day, we wish the rain will comes and splashing the coolness for the plants and trees on the mother earth, furthermore, the mother earth will bless the plants and trees for prosperity.