Para pelari yang terhormat,
Terima kasih telah mendaftar untuk acara Run-FoRest Run.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa tiket Early Bird terjual dengan cepat. Jika Anda memiliki kolega, teman, atau saudara yang ingin mendapatkan tiket Early Bird, mohon dorong mereka untuk mendaftar sesegera mungkin agar tidak kehabisan.
Salam hormat,
Monkey Forest Ubud – Run-FoRest Run 2025
Dear Runners,
Thank you for registering for the Run-FoRest Run event.
Please be advised that Early Bird tickets are selling out quickly. If you have colleagues, friends, or relatives who wish to secure Early Bird tickets, kindly encourage them to register as soon as possible to avoid missing out.
Best regards,
Monkey Forest Ubud – Run-FoRest Run 2025